Equity in Education - Part 2

Last week on the podcast we talked about having what we called “the willingness to begin to look at our own hidden biases” and the willingness to look at how we are contributing to equity in education. We based a lot of what we talked about on the book Coaching for Equity: Conversations that Change Practice by Elena Aguilar. This book started to spark some deep conversations between the two of us and we thought that was the opportunity for us to begin to dive into this very important conversation.  

So on this week’s episode we dive in a bit deeper and discuss what it means to come to this conversation with an open mind and heart. Approaching a conversation with an open mind allows us to be able to listen to new ideas, concepts, beliefs, or points of view without shutting them down. It also means being curious and asking questions of ourselves and others. 

Listen in with the willingness to look at our own hidden biases and with an open mind. 

Hopefully this episode felt supportive and helpful. We would love to hear about what kind of promises you are making to yourself this year. We are wishing you all the space and grace you need to remain in good health, body, mind and spirit. Friends, we‘ve got this!

And lastly, If you are looking to build resilience this year and are interested in our Bite Sized PD offerings discussed on our podcast, shoot over to our website themindfuleducators.com to find the details and sign up.

We will gladly follow up with an email with details for access to the PD as well as the SEL PDF’s for use in the classroom.

Show and Tell:

Links and people mentioned in this podcast:

Erin & Dave

Helping educators mindfully support our own emotional needs so we can create mindful classrooms. Made for teachers, by teachers.


How to work the rest of the year on your own terms


Equity in Education - Part 1