We have a lot on our mind.

Our podcast process is one where we get together to discuss episode ideas that are  born from what’s going on in education, in our life personally, or showing up globally. But this week we had a lot on our minds. So we thought we would use today’s podcast to share and have a conversation about what we are wondering about in this new state of education and the world.

So no teachings in this podcast, just a whole host of musings and wonderings. 

There is a lot on our minds and we imagine there might be a lot on your minds too. 

We would love to know what you are thinking about. Reach out and share it with us!

We are wishing you all the space and grace you need to remain in good health, body, mind and spirit. Friends, we‘ve got this!

And lastly, If you are looking to build resilience this year and are interested in our Bite Sized PD offerings discussed on our podcast, shoot over to our website themindfuleducators.com to find the details and sign up.

We will gladly follow up with an email with details for access to the PD as well as the SEL PDF’s for use in the classroom.

Show and Tell:


Erin & Dave

Helping educators mindfully support our own emotional needs so we can create mindful classrooms. Made for teachers, by teachers.


A practice for teacher stamina and sustainability.


Leaning into Surrender